Monday, May 11, 2009

My wife's big day

yey yey it's her 21'st bday ^_^

so what's the plan?

1. bear cuddler
2. big teddy
3. big teddy not available? go to blue magic.
4. big teddy still not available? not an option! MUST-FIND-BIG-TEDDY!
5. spend the rest of the afternoon at her place
6. go to work
7. love iya forever ^_^


Friday, March 20, 2009

Online Games.. are they Fading?

I can still recall, when i was in 3rd year highschool.. "amp! pinatay ako ng PORING"
it was that time that RAGNAROK online started its "ADIK" blast on PC/online gaming. That time kids even adults alike are still hooked in "counter strike" "battle realms" "NBA live" to name a few.. Ragnarok slowly "devoured" other PC games, people slowly shifted to this "new" thing.. I, honestly, was just curious because in the canteen,classroom,gym even the bathroom all i can hear is "anong level mo na?" "tae hirap mag JOBCHANGE".

First character i created is an ACOLYTE, which is the "HEALER" of the ragnarok world, i was clueless then so i thought ACOLYTE is like a fighter of justice or something like that.. NOOB right?

"PVP? ASA!" ring a bell? haha i can still remember my first pvp, i was a MAGE then and a single cast of SOULSTRIKE can easily KO a thief or an archer, followed by the infamous /gg icon.

In my opinion, this words became "THE VOCABULARY OF INSULTS/ONLINE GAMING LINGO" to name a few "NOOB, WEAK, SCARED" is like the staple TRASHTALK of pinoys when it comes online gaming, "SABOG BUILD" or "NOOB BUILD" is one of those LINGO aswell.. this is pertaining to a certain build of a character that you "mistakenly" used in a different character.
like what i stated above: "ACOLYTE, which is the "HEALER" of the ragnarok world, i was clueless then so i thought ACOLYTE is like a fighter of justice or something like that.. NOOB right?

yeah yeah.. based on experience ^___^

Way back, BOT is not an issue, all players are actually PLAYERS, not just a programming script that controls every movement of the characters. i can still remember, it was 12:30 AM, I'm playing my character in a place called "PAYON DUNGEON" there was a command that you can type so you can see the number of players online.. it was /w if im not mistaken.. There was like 34 players online playing in the server, but now, 34 was like the numbers of actual PLAYERS that is online, exaggerated? maybe, but possible

after a year or two

several online games emerged, GUNBOUND, MU continental. i can specify these two as a "CLASSIC" online game together with ragnarok online. nowadays, MMORPG/Massively Multiplayer Role Playing Game, or in layman's term, Online Game seems "BOOSTED" by the newest gaming engines or platforms, not to mention the NEW GENERATION GAMING CONSOLES which is the XBOX360, PS3 and WII which is offering online gaming experience aswell.

but for now no one knows the future of online gaming, but for me, i will and forever enjoy online games.

Monday, March 9, 2009

Racists.. WTF!!!!

it was wednesday, tuesday shift central time, I did my usual routines:

-go to station
-open computer
-open tools
-check time! (my log-in time is 5:00am manila time, it was only 4:30)
-leave note on station "NASA PANTRY NAGYOYOSI"
-go to pantry, smoke 2 sticks of cigarette
-go back to station, log-in!
-wait for the first customer..
-then wait.. wait.. wait..

after 5 minutes. My " wake-up you have a caller" avaya signal starts to beep!


-opening spiel "thank you for calling blah blah blah.. may i have your'e blah blah blah

then from out of nowhere the customer blurted:

" Oh Fuck! another asian!

my reaction was:

".......... (this means silence if you know what i mean :) )

so i tried to be calm and asked the customer his first and last name..

"uhm yes sir this is mikey, before i could further assist you i may need to have youre first and last name"

customer: fuck you! asian! ill never give my name to a stupid asian.


i was like:

"well if that is the case, can you please provide me the issue?"

that customer replied:

"my issue right now is how can i kick youre asian ass"

and hell yeah.. there goes my temper..

Me: that is not my problem sir, how can i answer that? im stupid right? (sarcastic ^_^ )

Customer: yes you are stupid! and all of you asian people!

Me: uhmm ok.. well sir here is the thing.. if we (asian) are stupid then why the hell are you calling us for help?

"i heard a faint clapping sound made by my team mate richard"

Richards comment: tangina mo ha? yan napapala mo kupal kang customer ka! ^__^

Customer: ......... (again that means silence ^___^ )

Me: would there be anything else Sir?

Customer: ........... (another moment of silence, or maybe a sign of " oh shit i screwed" moment)

Me: well then, thank you for calling blah blah, im mikey, an ASIAN.. have a wonderfull day ^___^

notes: luckily this call is not surveyed by Quality Assurance.. ^__^